Monday, November 16, 2009

God Is Faithful

There are too many ways to describe the brilliance of our Creator. Faithful is just one of the infinite.

Being new to San Francisco, I was eager to gather a group of people which I could call my family. Funny how you cling to the first group of people you meet when you make a big move, hoping that something will come out of it. Alas, God's divine hand protects his sheep and leads them. As time went by, I gained two bodies: Reality and school. Funny how the deceiver knows how to hit us at our weakest point. This past week, I have felt as though I belong to neither, connected with neither, were truly accepted by neither. Being human and having felt this way before, I gave in to the falsities being fed to me. For a bit.

It's amazing how once again, God stretches out His hand to pull us up from the places we dig ourselves into. Sure enough, He's brought faithful friends to encourage and love on me in the time I felt most alone. I've had two conversations of uplifting encouragement in less than 12 hours, both of which I did not expect, both of which reiterating that a life with Christ is not promised to be an easy one. It's a daily battle, but not one fought alone.

Thank you, dear friends, for the encouragement you didn't know I needed. Thank you for being used by God to help lift your sister. As for now, my family is Christ. As for now, He will be directing my steps in the fork of my pathway. Lord, use me for Your glory.

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